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Seacouver Way Station First Writing Contest

Seacouver Way Station First Writng Contest!

Well I did it! I made a mistake. I'm sorry Kat Parsons I orrginally put down Sandra MacDonald as the author of your story Might Have Been. Sorry Sandra. How could I get you two wonderful authors mixed up? I've fixed that now and Have Kat Parsons as the author of the Highlander story Might Have Been.

As of right now, I have no prizes to give out. If this changes I will let you know. The First Writng Contest is entitled Rewriting The Young Riders and/or Highlander.

The Rules:

1.) Take an event in one or more of the main character's lives and change it. (Example of this would be what I have done in Another Reality with making Louise grow up in a loving family or what Becca has done with What Might Have Been with What if Louise had never gotten away from Wicks or Joanna's Ghosts of the Past, What if Wicks didn't die when he was shot. An example of this with highlander would be What if the 4 horsemen never broke up or What if Richie had grown up in a loving family (As in Might Have Been by Kat Parsons and All of Our Yesterdays by Meline Rilley or what if AAA arch never happened, ect.) If your story is mentioned here or has already been posted somewhere and you wish to enter that story in this contest, then please do.

2.) This could change the whole show or just an episode or two or from one episode to the end. your choice.

3.) It can be long or short.

4.) Adult scenes are allowed, but put warnings on them, no slash.

5.) Send your stories to Stacie Marie or Heidi put in the Subject (if Highlander story) [CONTEST] HL: The Title Of Your Story. If The Young Riders Story [CONTEST] TYR: The Title Of Your Story If your story is a crossover between the two shows [CONTEST] HL/TYR: The Title Of Your Story

6.) You can have crossovers with other shows/movies as well. Just specify what it is a crossover of and send link to where we can learn more about it if we need to.

7.) Heidi and Stacie (The webmistresses) cannot participate in this contest.

8.) Have the last chapter of your entries to me by May 1, 2001. I will not edit them. (Unless I am beta reading your story for you) I will just post them as is.

9.) Voting will last until June 1, 2001, after the last chapter of the last story is posted. Heidi and Stacie cannot vote either. We are here to post the stories and to tally the votes. :-) Authors can vote and can vote for their own stories. One vote per person though. :-)

10.) The Most Important Rule: HAVE FUN!!!!!! :-) Let the Brain Storming and the Writing Begin!!

The Entries

Highlander Entires

Here is our first Contest entry!

Ecclesiastes 9:11 - Methos Revised By T.L. Whitesell
The third season episode Methos has been rewritten.

The Ties That Bind By Dawn M. Nyberg
This story picks up at the end of "The Darkness" with a twist. (Second Season)

In The Mirror By Megan "Mischief" Albertson
Duncan MacLeod meets...Adrian Paul???

The Young Riders Entries

Missing Pieces By Jennifer Bates
WARNING: Rated R ADULTS ONLY Jimmy's past comes back to haunt him...but can he live with the ghosts?

Thanks Aimee for the medals and thank you for telling where to get the poll!!!! :-)

Poll Results

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